Choose Your Move: Side Plank
Side Plank variations shown in the video above:
Both knees bent
Push down through bottom leg to lift hips up
Hold for 15 - 60 seconds
Top knee straight
Push down through bottom leg to lift hips up
Hold for 15 - 60 seconds
Kneeling Leg Lift
Push down through bottom leg as you lift and lower top leg
Lift and lower your leg for 6 - 12 repetitions or simply hold the leg up for 15 - 60 seconds
Full Side Plank
It’s harder than it looks!
Hold for 15 - 60 seconds
Side Plank Plank Dips
Maintain core connection and drop and lift your hips for 6 - 12 repetitions
Full Side Plank w/ Leg Lift
Lift and lower your leg for 6 - 12 repetitions or simply hold the leg up for 15 - 60 seconds
Below are photos of some planks shown in the video along with a few other options:
Mermaid Side Plank
Knee Lift Adduction
Side Plank
Adductor Side Plank
Kneeling Side Plank
Kneeling Star
Side Plank Star
Copenhagen Adduction